New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Gal Bashan

Gal is the Director of Engineering at Epsagon, recently acquired by Cisco. Gal is focused on observability technology for modern distributed systems, with proficiency in distributed tracing. Gal has a cyber-security background, and experience in reverse engineering and network analysis from an elite IDF intelligence unit.

Prove the value of platform engineering

How to justify the cost of your biggest engineering investment.


What is developer self-service, and does your org need it?

In this webinar, we hear from engineering leaders who have built developer self service ecosystems, and lessons they learned along the way.


Platform engineering is all about product

Gal Bashan wants to make sure you leave this talk with an understanding of platform engineering and how it relates to DevOps; what makes an IDP and a platform team successful; and finally, practices you can use to build a successful platform, and pitfalls to avoid.
