New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Mike Sparr
Tackling the build vs buy conundrum
There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to the “Build vs Buy'' decision, but there are ways to make it clearer, and easier.
Managing the chaos of context switching
It’s time to examine the good, the bad, and the very ugly elements of context switching. Even better, we’ll take a look at some strategies for managing it.
Learning to focus on the impactful tasks, instead of every ask!
Evaluate your remit and focus on valuable work
Leading in the post-boom environment
Tara Ellis calls out what the folks in the room are thinking, looking at what it means to lead in a post-boom environment, and thinking about how we can create a sense of stability for ourselves and our teams.
Ivan Kusalic
Unlocking lean efficiency: Turning knobs where it matters in tech leadership
Joyce Chen dives into the critical concepts that empower leaders to drive pace and build highly effective engineering teams when expanding the headcount isn't always an option.
Sarah Abrantes
Influencing your company’s culture from the driver’s seat
Sarah Abrantes talks about how to uncover the real culture at your company and how you can make a genuine lasting impact on it.
Built to flex – Strengthen your org to expect change
In this talk, Heidi Helfand shares some practical tactics on how to look at your teams today, and grow them into a stronger org that can bend and flex with challenges instead of crumble.