New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Knowing when it’s time to leave your job
Leaving a job is such a massive change in your life, so how do you know when it’s time to finally make that move?
AI and the future of software engineering
Hywel Carver talks focuses on the shape of engineering teams and how they work - including how they have changed over time with the advent of Agile and DevOps - and suggest how this will change as AI-generated code becomes mainstream.
LeadDev editor’s picks: September 2023
August had us asking how the rise of AI-powered coding assistants could fundamentally change the role of the engineering manager, while also grappling with age-old challenges around managing challenging people and having productive 1:1 meetings.
Cost savings don’t have to impact code quality
Ahead of his talk at LeadDev West Coast in October, Plaid’s Mark Robinson discusses cloud costs and how they could be the ticket to both dollar value and improved code quality.
A leader’s guide to effective time management
How should managers prioritize tasks, ensure team productivity, and achieve effective time management in leadership?
Decision making – The first 5000 years
Mathias Meyer talks about what ingredients you need in place for your decision-making to flow without you really having to do anything, with just a dash of laziness and looking towards what the future might behold, both good and bad (and neutral).
Becoming an inspiring leader. Solve problems and motivate people.
In this talk, I'll share stories about how I moved from being a process-oriented leader to putting people over processes.
Fagani Hajizada
John Stewart