New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Whitney O'Banner

Whitney is a new generation of leader. As one of the few women of colour managing engineers and designers at payments technology company Braintree, she is a diligent study of innovative leadership methods.

Whitney is an engineering manager at Medium, an ad-free online platform for readers and writers. She has been a notable speaker at Lead Dev and Business of Software conferences on the topic of OKRs and their effectiveness as a goal-setting framework.

Before joining Medium, Whitney held engineering roles at Apple, Amazon, Visa, and Braintree. She has a BS in Computer Science from Spelman College and currently lives and works from her tiny home in Austin, TX.


Designing effective OKRs

When they work well, OKRs have the potential to be a powerful tool that can clarify vision at all levels of the business, all while providing autonomy for smaller functions to set their own goals and objectives.


Taking a fresh look at setting objectives and key results for your engineering team

In 2013, Google famously published a leading reference for establishing Objectives and Key Results as a way to align teams and set short-term goals.
