New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Robert Douglass

Robert Douglass has been deeply involved with open source software since 2004. He was the author of the first book published about Drupal, “Building Online Communities in Drupal, WordPress, PhpBB” (Apress, 2005), is a core code contributor to 4 different Drupal versions, and the original author of the Memcache and Solr modules for Drupal.

Robert has also served as a member of the Drupal Association, a founding member of the German Drupal Association, and a member of the Drupal Security team. As a cloud hosting specialist he designed the server architecture for 100s of high profile sites, and is currently the Chief DevRel Officer for Beyond technology, Robert works as a record producer, photographer, and is frequently a speaker advocating for free software and free culture ideals in the music industry.