Michael Tweed
Michael is currently a Principal Software Engineer at Skyscanner where he is responsible for leading their Mobile Platform squads. He also has a keen interest in Mobile Observability and Data Production, and is helping drive Skyscanner’s long-term vision in these areas.
How to be an influential leader
The most successful engineering leaders know that influence is the key to driving results, getting buy-in, and getting the task done.
How to master the four Staff archetypes and elevate your impact
While the specifics of the job can vary widely, Will Larson has famously categorized the Staff+ experience into four archetypes: Tech Lead, Architect, Solver, and the Right Hand.
Tips on scaling your leadership outside of your comfort zone
In this talk Michael will talk through lessons and tips he's learnt when working on a project that pushed him outside of his comfort zone, and how you can effectively utilise the skills and knowledge of those around you to build alignment when leading across a broad set of teams who are often using very different technologies.
How test coverage can improve code quality
As teams get bigger and the need for faster velocity increases, code quality can be difficult to uphold. Use these techniques from Michael Tweed, a principal software engineer at Skyscanner, to help.
Scaling your influence when you can only be in one place at once
Michael Tweed will cover a case study of the problem "how do we ensure all our teams are meeting code quality standards", looking at approaches that are likely to (and have!) failed, vs. those which are much more likely to lead to results and long-lasting buy-in.