New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Lexi Galantino

Lexi Galantino is a software engineer and people lead, and for years has been thinking about how tech can promote social good. This has looked different at different times in her career; at one point she was on GitHub’s Trust & Safety team, building tools to discourage harmful content on the social platform, and now, she works for Zipline facilitating drone delivery of medical and other necessary products around the world. She has also been through periods of burnout, and has since thought deeply about how to do good in the world in a sustainable way.


Managing a passionate team: How to change the world without burning out

Lexi Galantino discusses how team members who feel passionate about their work are an excellent asset to a team, but over time even passion, met with an endless backlog of important tasks, can slip into burnout.
