A lean DevOps approach to learning & development
In this talk Sorrel will explain the rationale behind our approach to L&D and show you how it is operated in practice.
Leading through turbulence
Ritesh's talk aims to speak to leaders in the industry and appeal to them to be calm, empathetic and empower their teams during these times by sharing some key points from my own experiences.
Tackling the toppling tech talent pyramid: a radical challenge to building diverse teams
In this talk, Richard will share insights, data and tips from his experiences in tech talent development within underserved communities.
The database trends that are transforming your database infrastructure forever
Let’s talk about the trends in open source software and tell you what you need to know about how to manage the new multi-verse of data.
Technical documentation – how can I write them better and why should I care?
In this talk, Hila will show you a structured way to write a technical doc, without being a technical writer - So everyone can do it to their best ability.
Stop! Strategy time!
You'll walk away with practical tips that you can start implementing tomorrow to help you become a more strategic leader and, consequently, more effective and successful in your role.
The making of a manager’s manager
You will leave this talk with an increased understanding of what managing managers entails and tools to help you navigate such a transition successfully.
Leading software teams with systems thinking
This presentation will cut through the noise and bring a practical perspective to it. It will use systems thinking to present a holistic approach to leading a successful team.
The role of data in green software engineering
In this talk, Simon will go into detail about the planning of infrastructure and systems in both backend and frontend to reduce the environmental impact.
Fight back against imposter syndrome
f you’ve ever had a little voice telling you “no, let it go, the others know more” or “you won’t be able to do that, don’t even try”, this talk is for you.