Dan Blundell
Dan is an engineering leader and builder of technical teams. He aims to create environments where each person feels valued, supported and can learn continuously, together. At Gymshark, Dan heads up Core Engineering and is responsible for data pipelines, API and integration development and platform reliability engineering.
Dan will forever be a student of leadership, values feedback above almost anything else and would love to hear how best to help you. His latest side project is taming the tantrums of two toddlers and aims to coach them in the ways of empathy, responsibility and being a good human. Dan will eventually write a book but for now, tweets irregularly at @danblundell and posts sporadically at danblundell.com
Essential soft skills you need to succeed as an engineer
There is a big focus on technical expertise in software engineering - but soft skills are equally as important. Which ones are crucial to master and how can you do this?
The framework of you: Strategies beyond a growth mindset
In this talk, Dan Blundell will help you explore ways to understand yourself and your own capabilities in the infinite quest to be better by applying familiar engineering patterns and practices to your own development.