New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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1:1s Foundations: best practices for conversations that count
Building a safe space during your one-to-one meetings, where your direct report can be open and honest
Why we must strive for belonging in our engineering orgs
Spotify’s focus on diversity has been the foundation of an enriched environment of culture, ideas, and innovative business solutions. However, diversity alone does not ensure open communication or retention in the workplace.  
Preparing your software engineering teams for times of financial uncertainty
Financial crashes are cyclical in nature and although we can’t predict the timing of the next crash, we know that they are an inevitability.
Supporting employees through redundancies and business closures
Reality sometimes makes decisions for us. Teams and businesses come to an end or need to focus elsewhere. But lives go on...
Living without pre-production environments
Historically when we developed large monolithic applications we had several ‘lower’ environments such as dev, test, staging, pre-prod for verifying different stages of our development life cycle. These were particularly used for manual testing – integration testing, gatekeeping, acceptance testing.
Remote Inclusion in Distributed Engineering Teams
Increasingly, companies in business centres like London are combining offshore with local developers. Maximising the effectiveness in a mixed team environment is therefore critical to business success.
Cracking the cadence of your software engineering 1:1s
One-to-ones provide perhaps your greatest opportunity to survey how well things are going with your team. 
Eliminating hero culture in software engineering teams
As a woman with a few years of experience in engineering I have often noticed that every team has a "Hero", as I have been one myself. The hero is usually identified as the hardworking, highly talented and knowledgeable team member.
Changing attitudes toward legacy code
Legacy is an inevitability in any business - systems that were once cutting edge naturally age, but still require careful maintenance. And although it’s important work, it can feel less rewarding than working on shiny new features.
How simplifying software can save your engineering teams’ time
We’re conditioned to think from an early age that exciting things are the best. That attitude can extend to engineering, too.