New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Balancing user needs, platform health, and engineer growth
In this talk, Kasa will walk through tactics for addressing each challenge; things that work, things that don’t work, things that appear to work until they don’t at LeadDev Together.
Raising the subject of raises
This talk gives some practical advice and things to keep in mind when you are considering what type of pay raise to make. I’ll also provide some points to make the salary discussions in your performance reviews easier.
Feedback: Vital for growth, tough to crack
Hena shares how Feedback combined with coaching can be a very powerful leadership technique that helps your teammates elevate to their next level at LeadDev Together.
Designing an engineering career framework
Anirudh Todi introduces the approach taken when designing and iterating on our engineering career framework at Dropbox.
Culture change in a hostile environment
Jason Wong discusses strategies and tactics for seeding cultural change, creating environments for that change to grow, and what are the limits to those changes at LeadDev Together.
Hiring for culture add, not culture fit
Emily will share lessons learned from four years of evolving hiring practices at Honeycomb at LeadDev Together.
Creating a culture of trust
Dana Lawson explores how to quickly build cultures of trust on engineering teams, outlining the benefits and giving practical advice at LeadDev Together.
Jeremiah Sherman
Utilizing the tools in your toolbox for onboarding and retention
Onboarding and retention are critical and yet many of us either aren't spending enough time or the right kind of time to onboard and retain effectively.
Onboarding: setting the foundation for growth
Cate Huston talks about onboarding for retention through the dual lenses of belonging and accomplishment at LeadDev Together.