J. Bobby Dorlus
BobbyD is a seasoned Engineer → Motivational Speaker with 20+ years of experience in technology and engineering. Specializing in the practices of site reliability engineering (SRE) with an emphasis on hyper-scale distributed infrastructure.
BobbyD is known for his outgoingness and historical knowledge of Twitter’s Tech and D&I journey where he worked for 9-years becoming one of only a few Black engineers to achieve the title: Staff Engineer
As BobbyD’s journey continues, he looks forward for opportunities to contribute to his community #TheTechHustle by mentoring, coaching, and teaching the next generation about Tech and the value of “OUR” Diverse perspective.
Unmasking Imposters by debugging doubts
Bobby D takes inspiration from the popular game "Among Us" to address the challenges engineers face in understanding their value and the importance of developing team awareness to support one another, and shares practical strategies for embracing individual strengths, fostering team collaboration, and building bridges through empathy and inclusivity.
Solving inefficiency challenges at Datacenter scale
Bobby talks about how a technical solution increased the existing clusters capacity by 9% — resulting in a multi-year saving of 9-figures in CAPEX, by solving inefficiency challenges at datacenter scale.