In this talk, Dan Blundell will help you explore ways to understand yourself and your own capabilities in the infinite quest to be better by applying familiar engineering patterns and practices to your own development.
Payam Azadi looks at how as senior leaders with busy lives and diverse teams, how can we best approach staying up to date? In this presentation, I'll break down how to identify the right goals and opportunities for learning, and useful strategies you can use to reach them.
As you grow in your career, it can be harder and harder to assess personal progress. When you’re a leader with larger goals and longer-term projects, feedback loops lengthen. By drawing on the same principles of observability that we use when building software, engineering leaders can shorten the feedback cycle and take a data-driven approach to guide their own professional growth.
Christian Wong looks at how applying some simple techniques - adapted from product discovery - we can identify potential areas of opportunity, position ourselves to act with more intent in our collegial relationships, and then engage in a way that allows us to build the knowledge and context we need.