Discover how tech hiring is evolving with insights on candidate experiences, market trends, and empathy-driven practices for creating an inclusive, transparent hiring process.
Discover how innovative on-call rotations empower developers, foster team collaboration, and reduce complexity, creating a cohesive, ownership-driven culture that enhances service quality.
Learn how to manage engineers at all levels with practical tips for adapting your style to support growth and foster a thriving, high-performing engineering team.
Explore "Technical Diplomacy" to lead without authority. Learn strategies to build trust, break through resistance, and unite diverse teams in achieving shared goals with empathy and collaboration.
Discover strategies for delivering feedback that builds trust and openness. Learn science-backed techniques to make feedback constructive, approachable, and growth-focused, helping teams unlock their full potential.
Learn practical strategies from a seasoned CTO on managing tech debt effectively – when to embrace it, how to prioritize it, and turning it into growth.
Explore how applying the testing pyramid to accessibility can streamline development. Learn methods to lower costs, speed feedback, and enhance both product quality and inclusivity.
Discover strategies for leading high-stress projects without burnout. Learn how prioritising team well-being, resilience, and self-compassion fosters sustainable success even under intense pressure.
Embark on a journey through the challenges and triumphs of a major tech migration, revealing strategies for scaling, continuous development, and operational excellence in platform transformation.