New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Amazon’s Werner Vogels on the 7 laws of cost-effective engineering
2023 was rife with layoffs against a backdrop of tough economic circumstances for many. What does Amazon’s Werner Vogels think?
50 shades of PR dark matter
In this short and fun talk (yes it’ll be fun!) - Avishag Sahar laments about the top blockers of PRs, but cheer up - because I’ll also provide insights into how to unblock them.
How to lead senior engineers as a new manager
If you’ve just entered a management role, cultivating your relationship with the senior engineers on your team may be a daunting prospect. Here are a few ways to get that relationship off to a good start.
How to be the best servant leader for your team
Servant leadership may be the missing piece for helping your team reach the next level of success.
What DevOps teams need to know for 2024
We asked 10 tech leaders what DevOps teams need to know heading into the new year.
A cheat sheet for better internal communication
Communicating with your colleagues doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some ways, and a few cheat sheets, to get you started on your journey.
Ask Mathias: How can I increase velocity when I’m already at full speed?
My team and I are already going as fast as we can. I can’t see how we have the capacity to increase velocity. Can you help?
Leading open-source teams in large organizations
You can nurture and grow a highly impactful open-source project in your organization by systematically building an excellent team, technology, and product.
Ahmet Altay