New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Hiring software engineers through a downturn

Hiring software engineers through a downturn

When times are tight, it’s vital that you hire for the long term success of your org

When an economic downturn hits, it’s no surprise that recruitment is dropped from the priority list. When businesses pivot away from growth and towards cost optimization, they look to fulfill their objectives with their current resources and headcount (giving rise to the infamous phrase ‘do more with less’). And that’s even before orgs turn to more drastic measures such as lay-offs and reorgs.

However, although the industry outlook may seem bleak, there are still companies who are actively hiring – whether that’s to fill skills gaps after a re-org, or simply because they are still growing. These companies are facing a drastically different hiring market than they’re used to, with the added pressure of making every decision count. In this deep dive, we will discuss how things have changed, and key strategies to making the daunting task of hiring in a downturn that bit more straightforward.

Deep Dive

In partnership with

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Everything you need to know about hiring engineers in 2023

In this panel, engineering leaders will discuss how companies can balance the need to quickly find great engineers with fewer hiring and interviewing resources.

Webinar video
Sonal Mehta

Sonal Mehta

Senior Engineering Manager
Mailchimp Intuit

Olga Arbitman

Engineering Director and Women in Tech Coach

Jason Wodicka

Engineering Lead
Ideal Abstraction

In the current economic environment, companies are reevaluating hiring strategies. This process creates an opportunity to implement best practices that make hiring more efficient, fair, and enjoyable for candidates.

Recruitment Image

Rethinking your engineer hiring strategy in 2024

Tech hiring is going through an intense period of change, how do you adapt?

Discover what 600+ engineering and talent leaders are facing in tech hiring today, and what the top performers are doing differently to win the race for tech talent.

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