Randall Koutnik
Randall’s career can be politely summed up as “interesting”. He’s worked everywhere, from tiny startups to Netflix to teaching introductory programming. He wrote a book on RxJS, which didn’t impress his cats much.
You can find his words in written form at https://rkoutnik.com/ and shorter words at https://twitter.com/rkoutnik
Beyond generic goodstuff: Helping teams navigate context
In the dynamic landscape of software engineering, there's a pervasive allure to what Randall calls "Generic Goodstuff™" - universally lauded practices that seem like silver bullets to team improvement.
Running human-focused postmortems
Incidents and postmortems can be stressful for everyone involved, but there is a way to resolve issues with empathy for everyone involved.
Building healthier mission-focused organizations
Randall Koutnik talks about the three main categories of communication — pathological, bureaucratic and generative — and the important role they each play in a company's success and failure.
Rethinking the Developer Career Path
Our current methods for measuring a developer’s career progression are broken. At best, we count the number of days someone’s been paid to write code and massage that into a title. As a result, there’s no consensus as to what a given title means, leading to frustration for everyone.