Seraphine Young
Seraphine is a Demo Architect at GitLab, based in the United Kingdom. She is an alumna of CodeYourFuture and has experience as a Solutions Engineer and Cloud Consultant.
Seraphine is a Demo Architect at GitLab, based in the United Kingdom. She is an alumna of CodeYourFuture and has experience as a Solutions Engineer and Cloud Consultant. As an advocate for breaking barriers and fostering a more inclusive workforce, especially in the tech industry, she believes there’s ample space for everyone to succeed. Seraphine shares her experiences through her YouTube channel and by giving back to CodeYourFuture. She is dedicated to holding the door wide open for anyone eager to enter the field.
Build great engineering teams and have a positive social impact
On the back of working in the tech industry developing great products in highly competitive markets, how can we make society better? Germán and Seraphine will share the story of skills and talent meeting diversity and social impact.