New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Sangeeta Handa

Sangeeta Handa is currently Director of Product Engineering at Netflix. At Netflix, she leads engineering that builds mission-critical tier0 Commerce, Revenue, and Membership platform to support  222+ million Netflix global members. Prior to Netflix, Sangeeta led Finance Engineering at Apple, where she evangelized and led the construction of Apple’s highly scalable financial reconciliation platform for mega-million transactions in credit card payments, iPhone & gift card transactions. Other than these she has also engineered many other systems, grounds up, that are still standing the test of time at Apple. 

Sangeeta is as much passionate about building scalable and resilient software as she is about building highly engaged, diversified, and impactful engineering organizations. She thrives at leading People, Product, and Engineering to achieve what may seem impossible in the beginning. 

Scaling engineering organizations

In this talk, Sangeeta will cover the dimensions of scale in an Engineering Organization and how to lead through it to create success.