Pietra Freitas
Pietra is a Senior Consultant Developer at ThoughtWorks Brazil. She has worked with large national and international companies in projects involving back-end development, Data Science, and Data Engineering. Pietra loves Machine Learning and the power of AI, and wants to create a better world by using her technical abilities to make computer science, and society in general, more inclusive and fair. Pietra is currently concluding her Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), one of the highest-ranking computer science departments in Brazil.
Co-founder of program.ada (https://www.facebook.com/program.ada.UFRGS) and president of Women in Engineering IEEE UFRGS (https://www.facebook.com/ieeewieufrgs), two local organisations that aim to create a better environment for women in the tech community.
Mother of plants, cats, and a dog. Yoga practitioner and a bad drummer. Paul McCartney is her idol and she is certain that Beatles is the best band ever.
Empathy: the key to effective verbal communication
How to be an effective speaker and listener