Mike McQuaid
Mike McQuaid is the CTO and Cofounder of Raise.dev. Previously, he spent a decade at GitHub, improving the internal developer and open source maintainer experiences. Outside of work, he is the project leader of the Homebrew package manager (which he has maintained for 13 years), author of “Git in Practice” (an intermediate Git book) and writes and speaks about open source, engineering career development, remote work, and empathy in tech on his site, podcasts and conferences.
Homebrew’s great migration: Moving to GitHub packages with zero downtime
Mike McQuaid discusses the following: the key factors we evaluated to decide between the options available, how compromises were made within and between Homebrew and GitHub (my employer), what techniques we used to implement the migration by the hard deadline with zero downtime, and how to use “soft power” to affect change in your organisation without “hard power” to decide what any individual works on.
Building effective relationships
Mike McQuaid discusses the three types of relationships critical to cultivate: mentor, mentee and peer, how to decide which relationships to invest in vs move on from, how to use these relationships to improve your career, your success and work and build up everyone surrounding you and how to still do this when remote or timezone separated from your coworkers.