New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Lorenzo Saino

Lorenzo Saino is a director of engineering at Fastly, where he leads the team responsible for building the systems that control Fastly network infrastructure. During his tenure at Fastly he built systems solving problems related to load balancing, distributed health checking, routing resilience, traffic engineering and network telemetry.

Prior to Fastly, he received a PhD from University College London. His thesis investigated design issues in networked caching systems and he was awarded the Fabrizio Lombardi prize in 2016 for his research. He served on the program committee of O’Reilly Velocity EU in 2017 and 2018 and he is a regular reviewer for journals and conferences in the field of computer networks and systems.

Better hiring with code review assignments

Lorenzo Saino evaluates how the software engineering skills of job candidates often involves live coding sessions or take-home coding assignments, but both methods have major limitations.
