New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Edmond Lau

Edmond authored The Effective Engineer and co-founded Co Leadership to provide the most effective leadership training for engineers. His mission is show people the dreams that are possible in all areas of our lives – if only we so choose to create it.

He used to apply his engineering mindsets toward building software. Now, he applies the same rigor and systems-oriented mindset toward a harder but even more important problem: teaching people how to build relationships, build trust, and build teams.

He’s run leadership workshops and seminars – both in-person and online – for thousands of people from top tech companies including Google, Facebook, Dropbox, Amazon, Airbnb, Slack, Stripe, Coinbase, Quip, Pinterest, and more.

He brings over over a decade of experience in Silicon Valley from Google, Quora, Quip, and Ooyala. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Forbes, Time, Slate, Inc., Fortune, and Wired.

The Effective Engineer: Edmond Lau in conversation

In this session, Suzan Bond is joined by guest author Edmond Lau to explore how to access the mindsets that will make you truly effective.
