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How to win buy-in for big changes

Getting buy-in for your idea can be difficult. Here's how you can approach different stakeholders to get the support you need.
November 05, 2024

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It’s not always easy to convince others of your big plans. Implement these small steps one by one and you’ll be able to reap the rewards.  

In the fast-paced world of software development, the ability to convince others and gain buy-in for your ideas is a crucial skill for engineering managers. Whether you’re proposing a new technology stack, a process improvement, or a major organizational change, your success often hinges on how well you can bring others on board with your vision.

Gaining buy-in is not just about presenting a good idea; it’s about building consensus, addressing concerns, and creating a shared vision of success.

In this article, we’ll explore a step-by-step approach to gaining buy-in, using the example of implementing a bug prioritization framework across all engineering teams. 

Identify the stakeholders you need buy-in from

The first step in gaining buy-in is identifying who needs to be on board for your idea to succeed. For our bug prioritization framework, key stakeholders might include:

  1. Engineering team leads: they’ll be responsible for implementing the framework within their teams and ensuring adherence.
  2. Product managers: they have a vested interest in how bugs are prioritized as it affects product roadmaps and release schedules.
  3. QA team: they play a crucial role in identifying and documenting bugs, making their input on the framework vital.
  4. Customer support team: they often deal with bug reports from users and can provide valuable insights into the impact of bugs on customer satisfaction.
  5. C-level executives (CTO, CPO): their support is crucial for company-wide adoption and resource allocation.
  6. Individual contributors: engineers using the framework daily need to see its value.

Remember, stakeholders may vary depending on your organization’s structure. The key is to identify those who will be directly affected by the change and those whose support is crucial for implementation.

Explain the idea to stakeholders

Once you’ve identified your stakeholders, it’s time to present your idea clearly and concisely. Make sure to position the advantages of your idea at the forefront of the explanation. 

The reasons below might be valuable in the context of a bug prioritization framework as it would allow the org to: 

  1. Assess bugs more objectively based on user impact, frequency, and technical debt.
  2. Prioritize bug fixes more effectively, ensuring critical issues are addressed first. 
  3. Improve communication between teams about bug severity and resolution timelines.
  4. Enhance overall product quality and user experience.

When explaining your idea:

  • Use clear, jargon-free language
  • Highlight the problem it solves and the benefits it brings
  • Provide a high-level overview of how it will work
  • Be prepared to answer questions and address concerns

Consider creating a simple visual aid, like a flowchart of the proposed bug prioritization process, to help stakeholders grasp the concept quickly.

Identify the incentives to generate buy-in

Understanding what motivates each stakeholder group is crucial for gaining their support. Here’s how the bug prioritization framework might align with different stakeholders’ interests:

  1. Engineering team leads will be focused on improving team efficiency and clarifying decision-making processes. As such, highlight how the new framework will help their teams focus on the most impactful bugs, reducing time spent on prioritization debates. 
  2. Product managers generally want better alignment between bug fixes and product goals. To ensure their buy-in, describe how the new process will give them more predictable timelines for bug resolutions, making it easier to plan releases and communicate with customers.
  3. QA teams value standardized criteria for bug reporting and prioritization. Therefore, you should lead with the fact that this framework will provide clear guidelines for categorizing bugs, making reports more impactful and actionable.
  4. Customer support teams prioritize an improved ability to set customer expectations. So, emphasize how a standardized prioritization system gives customers more accurate timelines for bug fixes. 
  5. C-level executives want to enhance product quality and resource optimization. Frame the solution as a one-way ticket to higher customer satisfaction and more efficient use of engineering resources, and you’ll be able to gain their buy-in. 
  6. Individual contributors want clearer guidelines and reduced ambiguity in bug-fixing priorities. So, highlight that they will have a consistent, data-driven way to determine which bugs to tackle first, reducing guesswork and potential conflicts. 

By tailoring your message to each stakeholder’s interests, you increase the likelihood of gaining their support.

Drive alignment promptly

With the groundwork laid, it’s time to drive alignment and build consensus. Here are some strategies to do this effectively:

  1. 1:1 meetings: start with key influencers in each stakeholder group. These individual conversations allow for candid discussions and help you understand and address their specific concerns.
  2. Group workshops: organize cross-functional workshops to collaboratively refine the framework. This improves the idea and gives stakeholders a sense of ownership.
  3. Pilot program: propose a pilot implementation with one or two teams. Since pilot programs impact fewer teams, you will typically have more autonomy in terms of making changes.  This allows you to demonstrate the framework’s effectiveness and gather data to support wider adoption.
  4. Regular updates: keep all stakeholders informed about the progress, challenges, and wins during the pilot phase. Transparency builds trust and maintains engagement.
  5. Address concerns proactively: if you encounter resistance, don’t ignore it. Instead, acknowledge concerns and work together to find solutions. For example, if product managers worry about the framework slowing down feature development, work with them to integrate bug prioritization into the existing product planning process.
  6. Seek and incorporate feedback: Continuously ask for input and be willing to adjust the framework based on valid concerns and suggestions. This flexibility shows that you value others’ expertise and are committed to finding the best solution.
  7. Highlight early wins: As soon as you have positive results from the pilot, share them widely. Concrete examples of how the framework improves efficiency or product quality can be powerful in convincing skeptics.

Remember, driving alignment is an ongoing process. Be patient and persistent, and always keep the lines of communication open.

Summarize and implement

As you move toward full implementation of the bug prioritization framework, it’s crucial to summarize the journey and lay out clear next steps:

  1. Recap the problem and solution: outline how you set out to improve our bug prioritization process to enhance product quality and team efficiency. Through collaborative efforts, you developed a standardized framework that addresses these needs.
  2. Highlight the benefits: summarize the positive outcomes from the pilot program and how they align with each stakeholder group’s interests.
  3. Address lingering concerns: acknowledge any remaining challenges and outline plans to tackle them.
  4. Present the implementation plan: provide a clear timeline for rolling out the framework across all teams. This might include:
    • Training sessions for all engineering teams
    • Integration of the framework into existing project management tools
    • Regular check-ins to assess the framework’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments
  5. Define success metrics: clearly state how you’ll measure the success of the framework. This could include metrics like:
  6. Assign responsibilities: clearly define who will be responsible for various aspects of the implementation, from conducting training to gathering feedback.
  7. Establish a feedback loop: set up a system for ongoing feedback and continuous framework improvement.
  8. Celebrate the collaboration: acknowledge stakeholder contributions in developing and refining the idea. This reinforces the value of collaborative problem-solving and sets a positive tone for future initiatives.

Close the loop: Building trust through transparency

The journey doesn’t end with implementation. To build lasting trust and pave the way for future initiatives, it’s crucial to close the loop by sharing both the highlights and lowlights of the program with key stakeholders and teams that the program impacts.

Share the wins

Regularly communicate positive outcomes:

  1. Quantitative improvements: share metrics demonstrating success, such as a reduction in time-to-resolution for critical bugs or an increase in overall bugs resolved per sprint.
  2. Qualitative feedback: highlight positive feedback from team members, customers, or other stakeholders.
  3. Unexpected benefits: discuss any unforeseen positive outcomes, like improved cross-team collaboration.

Involve the team in problem-solving

When sharing lowlights, involve stakeholders in finding solutions:

  1. Organize feedback sessions: hold regular meetings for team members to discuss their experiences.
  2. Create improvement taskforces: form cross-functional groups to address specific challenges.
  3. Encourage open dialogue: foster an environment where team members feel safe sharing feedback, establishing regular, structured opportunities through both formal check-ins and casual conversations. Model openness to feedback by actively seeking input and responding to suggestions with genuine appreciation and follow-through.

Iterate and evolve

Demonstrate commitment to the framework’s success by actively evolving it:

  1. Regular reviews: schedule quarterly performance reviews and gather input for updates.
  2. Agile improvements: make incremental changes based on ongoing feedback.
  3. Celebrate improvements: acknowledge team members who contribute to enhancing the framework.

Maintain ongoing communication

Keep the conversation going post-implementation:

  1. Periodic updates: send out regular reports on the framework’s impact.
  2. Success stories: share specific examples of positive impact on projects or customer satisfaction.
  3. Lessons learned: compile and distribute key learnings to inform future initiatives.

By closing the loop in this manner, you reinforce the value of the bug prioritization framework, demonstrate commitment to transparency and continuous improvement, and create a culture of open communication and collaborative problem-solving. This approach turns the implementation into more than just a successful project – it becomes a case study in effective leadership and change management that can inspire and guide future initiatives across your engineering organization.

Remember, the process of gaining buy-in doesn’t end with implementation. Consistently sharing both successes and challenges, and actively involving stakeholders in ongoing refinement, creates a foundation of trust that can support future innovations and changes within your organization.

Final thoughts

By following these steps, you not only implement your bug prioritization framework but also establish a blueprint for gaining buy-in on future ideas. Convincing others and getting buy-in is as much about building relationships and trust as it is about the merits of the idea itself.

As you move forward with implementation, continue to communicate openly, remain flexible, and always be ready to champion the benefits of your initiative.