The mentor playbook
By being thoughtful and deliberate in mentoring moments, we can all be a part of creating richer tech communities that foster inclusivity and thrive on collective growth.
Presenting to executives
Kevin Goldsmith shares strategies for planning your presentation, handling unexpected questions and following up afterward when pitching to executives at your company.
ICON Framework: Creating Value From Machine Learning
Banjo Obayomi talks about the 4 parts of the ICON framework and how you can apply it to your development cycles to align your efforts and bring business value.
Designing cultural transformations
Ryn Daniels shares a design process that helps you identify problems with your current culture and brainstorm sustainable solutions and opportunities.
Habits of highly-performing teams
CTO Charity Majors joined us at #LeadDevLive to talk about everything that went into building a high-performing team at Honeycomb.
Streamlining the management of multiple websites and apps
Prepare your team to work effectively across contexts
Strategies for creating an environment of continuous learning
How to prioritize the development of your engineers.
The Effective Engineer: Edmond Lau in conversation
In this session, Suzan Bond is joined by guest author Edmond Lau to explore how to access the mindsets that will make you truly effective.
Understanding your team’s velocity
A panel discussion on being able to examine the speed of your team in depth is crucial to propelling them forward.