New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

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Build a Better Hiring Process with Design Thinking
How do companies hire? And how does a manager build out a hiring process from the ground up?
First Steps as a tech Lead
So you decided to become a lead, or you just became one! Now what?
The art of giving and receiving code reviews gracefully
Code reviews are critiques of a person's work. If they are invested in that work, then that critique feels personal.
Growing teams to continuously deliver
The Continuous Delivery (CD) team at Spotify knows all about build pipelines. We run thousands of them every day. We were doing a lot of things right, but we still wanted to go faster and smarter
How to manage a globally distributed team
Companies more and more embrace working in a distributed environment. While it allows for attracting talent and working with great people around the world, it also means it comes with new challenges.
Scaling yourself as a senior engineering leader
You've built websites that scaled to millions of users, indexed terabytes of data, and created automatic deployments to thousands of nodes - but now you’re struggling to manage a handful of people.
Developing Single Page Apps in mid-sized companies
When Single Page Apps (SPAs) started becoming a standard approach for web applications around five years ago, it seemed like web-based products had a way to rival the interactivity and performance of corresponding native apps.
CI/CD For Humans: Empathy as the Foundation for Effective Deployments
Deploying website code might seem like dark magic to anyone not well versed in the specific tools and commands that go into orchestrating such complex systems, and crippling fear of breaking the website can be a real thing.
Teaching New Tricks – How to enhance the skills of experienced developers
It’s easy to forget what it felt like when you were a beginner. This lively dog-based* talk is about the rewards and pitfalls involved in introducing pair programming, TDD and an agile development approach to experienced developers who are used to working in a different way
Focusing engineering projects on customer value
Are you sick of seeing your team treated as a sausage machine for turning user stories into code? Can your developers only talk about how long something will take, or how exactly it will be built?