New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Search results

Concise and effective feedback: Applying the learnings of DORA4 to communication
David LaMothe discusses a model much like the DORA4 model, except instead of focusing on metrics like time to merge and rate of recovery, focusing on personally developed metrics for feedback that ensures he is giving it early and often.
Influential storytelling
Brianna McCullough talks about how to structure compelling stories that lead to alignment, buy-in and most importantly belief from our stakeholders, partners, and more importantly our teams.
Lower your stress and your team’s stress by being ready for turnover
John Young covers specific, actionable strategies to prepare for turnover - roles and responsibilities, documentation practices, anti-patterns to avoid, and even "chaos monkey" style games - that you can use immediately to make life better both for you and for your team.
Combating the confidence gap: Case studies in tech recruiting
Maryam Jahanshahi discusses how studies of the confidence gap impact candidate pools based on millions of recruiting outcomes, describing three specific contexts where we've seen the confidence gap manifest.
What is tech policy and how you can get involved
Erica Greene discusses some of the big ongoing tech policy debates and walks through ways you can get involved in the policy world.
Technical Vision vs. Technical Strategy: The difference and why it matters
Jonathan Maltz digs into the nuts and bolts of setting a successful technical strategy. Startin by talking about the difference between technical vision and technical strategy.
Behind the curtain: Two sides of senior leadership
Leemay Nassery and Emily Samuels give you two perspectives! They share their experiences and challenges from both sides of the senior leadership coin: staff+ and senior management.
Scaling yourself: Increasing your scope and impact as an engineering manager (without just working harder)
Alex Peattie talks about how to spend your most precious resource as an engineering manager: your time.
Are we building engineering platforms using the right metrics?
Simone Casciaroli shares the HEAT metrics created while working at Babylon, how they helped create a successful Platform Product, what essential product decisions you need to make to help other teams strive and how they fit with other engineering metrics like DORA.
Using a learning-themed retrospective to strengthen your team’s learning culture and reduce learning debt
Kristen Foster-Marks shares her experience of leading a learning-themed retrospective, which encouraged her team to reflect on their personal beliefs about learning and up-skilling, their team’s learning culture, and the ways in which these beliefs and culture can both encourage and discourage engagement in on-the-job learning and up-skilling activities.