New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Manoj Kumar

Manoj is a Vice President, leading LambdaTest’s Developer Relations and Open-Source Office. He enjoys exploring the entire software development lifecycle and is especially interested in solving problems in Software Quality, Human-computer Interaction, and Cloud Computing spaces, Digital transformation, having worked in enterprises, Fintech, and early-stage startups for over 14 years. Notably, Manoj is a contributor to the Selenium project and is also a member of the project leadership committee for Selenium. He genuinely believes that sharing knowledge and experiences would strengthen our community. He is a member of the ACM and IEEE Computer Society and has given keynote addresses and technical talks at numerous international conferences on software engineering and testing in over 12+ countries. Manoj has previously worked at and been a part of digital transformation programs at leading companies like Thoughtworks, Wipro, and IAG, among others.