New York

October 15–17, 2025


November 3–4, 2025

Software Engineer, CybSafe, Leadership, Coding Black Females

Transitioning from a Psychology degree, to Customer Success, to Software Engineering, Jessie is passionate about tech for good and bringing others from diverse backgrounds into the tech space.

Outside of CybSafe, Jessie works with Coding Black Females, an organisation which supports, empowers and trains black women in engineering, supporting them with events and social media.

As well as this, Jessie is part of the core team for Black Valley, an immersive mentoring programme for Black people in tech.

Be the catalyst in a junior engineer's career

A career is a marathon, not a sprint. We often see rapid burnout in the industry. What preventative steps can we take as managers to ensure that Junior software engineers are not just surviving, but thriving?