Avoid the Lake!
Large programs are as much about bringing people, teams, and organizations together as much as it is about building and delivering technology. This talk is a brief overview of frequently overlooked steps in execution and proposes small changes to consider to significantly reduce friction during execution.
Iterating with a purpose
In talk, we’ll be exploring what you need to think about when you start a new project. How do you decide and agree what your goals are and understand how you’ll measure their successes and failures.
Dealing with times when change isn’t happening
There are times when someone on your team will approach you saying that something needs to change, maybe it’s a piece of company culture or a practice.
Difficult listening and having difficult conversations
As leaders, we talk often about offering good feedback and direction, but we often fail at its deceptively difficult counterpart—the craft of listening. How can you better understand the underpinnings and science of a listening practice applied specifically to difficult situations—in which you have little opportunity to control the context—and build better skills for comprehensive, empathetic listening?
In this session, we will discuss tactics for supporting safe and open one-on-one spaces for listening and understanding constructively.
Navigating organizational changes as an Individual Contributor: a matter of perspective
In this session, two speakers will give their perspectives on a situation involving a difficult conversation. One perspective will be from the manager, and the other from the person being managed.
Imperfect Processes: Navigating the fuzzier parts
It may sound clear cut, but we know that no process is 100% foolproof and it's much messier in the real world.
A process is never done
In the final talk of this session, we’ll be exploring what happens when a process is no longer fit for purpose, how this can affect people’s jobs and their identities within an organisation, and how you can ensure the next process will be an improvement from the last.
Scaling up sustainably through better processes
In this talk we’ll take a look at processes and scaling up, thinking about the types of processes that help to establish growth, when it’s too early or late to introduce a process, and the times you’d choose to not apply a process.
What makes a good process?
In this talk, we’ll explain the how, what, and why of a good process and offer ways of thinking about defining and building processes. We’ll also discuss how to build in inclusion from the start.
Developing teams at different levels
Engineering leaders at different levels of seniority reflect on what they’ve learned.