Laveena Ramchandani
Laveena Ramchandani is an experienced Software Testing Lead with a comprehensive understanding of tools available for software testing and analysis. She aims to provide valuable insights that have high technical aptitude and hopes to inspire others in the world through her work, blogs, podcasts and regularly speaks at events on data science models and other topics.
Testing is the silent hero of software engineering
And lessons learned from the Crowdstrike outage.
Efficient interviewing techniques
Here are some steps you can take, from the start of the interview process to the end, that can help you make the right hire.
Breaking down different software tester roles
Starting out in the tester field and wondering how to map out your career path? Laveena Ramchandani may be able to help you figure out the differences in responsibilities according to titles.
The career progression of a software tester
What is a software tester and could this role be the right career move for you?
How to get engineering teams on board with accessibility
To build products that are usable for all, developers need to prioritize accessibility testing. Here's how to get teams on board.
How to bring accessibility into your teams
Laveena Ramchandani focuses on accessibility testing and how it is vital especially when your product is a user-facing application. We need to be socially aware as a team and build quality towards our product by making it more accessible.