Yogesh is a Research Engineer in TRG Research and Development, Cyprus where his research focuses on building solutions for Crime and Terror. As a Passionate Developer and a Hacker, Yogesh builds and maintains reNgine, an automated reconnaissance framework.

He has delivered talks on IoT Security and Car Hacking at several conferences like Black Hat US/Europe, HITB Cyber Week, Open Source Summit, IoT Innovatech, GreHack, NoConName, KazHackStan, FOSS Asia Summit, etc. When not building or breaking technologies, he is training for Mixed Martial Arts or spends time with his dog Jasper.

Building security into your engineering workflow
01 Sep 2021 Video


Building security into your engineering workflow

Nimisha Asthagiri
Nimisha Asthagiri
Sherif Koussa
+3 more
47 mins