Principal Software Engineer
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Confirmed line-up and activities
8.00 AM
Registration and refreshments
Welcome to LeadDev New York 2024
9.30 AM
Welcome to StaffPlus New York 2024
A welcome to StaffPlus New York 2024 from the host Tanya Reilly.
9.50 AM
With great power comes great responsibility
In this talk, Yonatan emphasizes the need for a fundamental shift in software engineering, where the focus expands from just ensuring systems succeed to also ensuring they fail safely. With systems impacting billions of lives, leaders must understand, communicate, and integrate this change into every aspect of their work. We'll cover practical ways for engineering and product leaders to drive this transformation in the industry.
10.25 AM
Doing the right thing vs doing things right
This talk walks through the experience of uncovering surprising use cases and navigating that tension in a product release journey.
10.35 AM
The OSS maintainer to staff engineer pipeline
In this presentation, I'll share the lessons learned by me and other open source maintainers that impact how we perform as staff+ engineers and leaders today.
11.05 AM
Network, learn and explore during every break
Chat to every speaker
Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.
Complete your "Voltron Quest"
Inspired by Lara Hogan’s Manager Voltron, build your personal network at LeadDev New York.
Table talks
Join facilitated group conversations with other leaders on:
How do you know where to focus your attention as a staff+ leader?
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- Push your metrics all the way left
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- On-call for humans
11.45 AM
Should we multi-cloud?
"Should we multi-cloud?" is a provocative question that is getting asked by many organizations in the face of newsworthy outages and increasing pressure to mitigate vendor lock-in. While there isn't a simple yes or no answer, in this session, Tanu will share a decision-making framework with examples that can help you figure out the right answer for your organization.
12.15 PM
Sometimes you need to be a cruise director
Oliver will show, using a recent AWS -> GCP migration as an example, that they're all on this ship together. They know where we're headed, but they just need to agree on what's happening on the Lido Deck and when and make it happen.
12.25 PM
Slack enterprise key management: Senior to staff lessons
Sometimes making the jump from Senior to Staff+ is a mystery and its not always clear what skills will be helpful. In this talk, Audrei will take you through some of the most impactful lessons they learned and skills they strengthened while working on their first Staff+ project, Slack Enterprise Key Management. These aren’t just Senior to Staff lessons: many of the lessons shared can be applied to any team or projects as folks continue to grow in their Staff+ career.
12.35 PM
Nail the pitch and stick the landing: How to propose & deliver major technical projects
Come and learn from Choi's mistakes and successes, pitching a large refactor project when she was a Senior Staff at Slack.
1.05 PM
Network, learn and explore during every break
Chat to every speaker
Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.
Career next steps Q&A
- Tech Leads
Table talks
Join facilitated group conversations with other leaders on:
- How do you impact the technical standards of your org as a staff+ leader?
Community representation group
Connect with other leaders with similar backgrounds and experiences to you, and build a peer network for support throughout your leadership journey.
- Women leaders
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- Enhancing the developer experience with an integrated software delivery platform
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- Teaching old code new tricks: Modernizing legacy with Swimm
Speed coaching
Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching
Engineering in action
Hear how real engineering teams turn ideas into practice. Learn about the challenges they faced, the issues they worried about, the mistakes they made, and how they eventually succeeded.
- How we took control of our incident response
2.35 PM
Using clinical science to effectively tackle code review anxiety (LeadDev)
In this talk, Carol will share the story of my empirical research conducted with software engineers and developers across industries experiencing code review anxiety.
3.05 PM
Focus on project value using businesses strategy
This talk will cover the three main types of business strategy, how to learn which strategy your company is pursuing, and how to discuss projects through the lens of strategy. Learn how to identify projects with clear value that do not align with strategy; and how to discuss the problem with stakeholders.
3.15 PM
Finding opportunities and maximizing Impact: A staff engineer's framework
In this talk, Chris introduces the Listen-Act-Share framework, a powerful tool for evaluating and acting on high-impact projects. Through real examples-including the transformation of Datadog's internal analytics infrastructure to a data lakehouse architecture
3.25 PM
Navigators: Connecting execs with staffPlus engineers to shape strategy
Shawna and Dan will compare and contrast Navigators with Directors, juxtaposing a team and execution focus with that of the long-term health and productivity of software and systems. They'll also dig into some specific scenarios where Navigators have increased velocity and driven organizational alignment.
3.55 PM
Network, learn and explore during every break
Chat to every speaker
Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.
Career next steps Q&A
- Engineering Managers
Community representation group
Connect with other leaders with similar backgrounds and experiences to you, and build a peer network for support throughout your leadership journey.
- Asian leaders
Table talks
Join facilitated group conversations with other leaders on:
- How do you effectively mentor junior engineers as a staff+ leader?
Community representation group
Connect with other leaders with similar backgrounds and experiences to you, and build a peer network for support throughout your leadership journey.
- Black leaders
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- How to effectively use AI to manage engineering backlog
Demo stage
Discover solutions for your technical issues:
- Securing your applications with Auth0
Speed coaching
Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching
4.40 PM
Explosive overflow: Lessons from rocket science
The 1996 inaugural flight of the Ariane 5 rocket was cut short due to a series of software design missteps. Mark will analyze these historical flaws to discuss resilience and product security.
5.10 PM
Start with an exit in mind: How to be effective by being selfish as a staff engineer
By the end of this talk, you should feel better prepared to scope out new work with the intention of a limited engagement and without apprehension of knowing you might be forever responsible for keeping it afloat. And you'll see how being a *little* bit selfish is good for your organization.
5.20 PM
Software security as a force of nature
In this keynote, Kelly explores effective principles and practices for sustaining system resilience, drawing insights from nature, historical human adaptations, and modern engineering techniques. You'll gain a new perspective on software security and practical methods to implement it.
5.50 PM
10 min
StaffPlus New York 2024 Wrap-up
Closing session
6.00 PM
Networking mixer
Spend some time with other attendees after Day 1 of the conference.
Chat to every speaker
Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.
Become a LeadDev contributor AMA
Hear from the LeadDev content team on the secrets of crafting winning speaker submissions, effective article proposals and how to get involved with the community.
It doesn't end here - scroll back up to see what's happening on Day 2! ☝️
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