CTO and Advisor
Get an All Access Pass to supplement your conference experience
By purchasing an All Access Pass you receive an additional full day of tutoring and group roundtable training and discussion alongside the Lead Dev event and save 27% from standard pricing. Our workshops are reserved on a first come, first served basis due to limited venue capacity.
Choose your workshop
Be a brilliant people developer
Explore the science, art, and theory to becoming good at leading, managing, coaching, mentoring & developing people.
Tech lead skills for developers
Congratulations! You’re now a Tech Lead? But what are you supposed to do differently than when you were just a software engineer?
Supercharging your impact as an engineering director
To have true impact as a senior leader, you’ll need to scale yourself, shift your management style, navigate organisational friction, and develop productive feedback loops.
What to expect
Workshops are full-day (9am-5pm) sessions hosted by tutors with decades of experience in building successful technology organizations. You will have the opportunity to put new skills into practice with hands-on activities and guided pair/group discussions.
Location: Etc.venues 601 Lexington, NYC (601 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States).