An event series tailored to the needs of the most senior engineering leaders - featuring cutting-edge content on how to build world-class engineering organisations.

An intimate one day event featuring roundtables, facilitated discussion, and networking opportunities. Sponsorships provide you with unrivalled access to the most senior decision makers in tech (attendees must be managing other managers).

We provide multiple networking opportunities, including facilitated introductions, target account seating plans and presenting time.

LeadingEng Berlin 2024 Partners

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Are you hiring new talent or building tools for tech teams?

We're curating the best tech teams and solutions providers to connect with an audience of hundreds of engineering leaders. 

Promote across our global events

Maximize your marketing impact with LeadDev in the tech hubs of New York, London, San Francisco and Berlin. Push your solutions to dedicated audiences as we host events tailored for senior individual contributors and CTO-track engineering.