Tickets start at €875 +VAT

Attend with your leadership team and save 20%.

A series of talks designed to help you master your Business, your Delivery, your Strategy and your People.

Take a look at the confirmed speakers so far, plus new break activities

The full program will be announced soon. Register your interest to get notified when it's available.

Driving pace and delivering high-impact projects

This talk is designed to help you get your teams working effectively on the most impactful tasks. It will deliver practical tools to set priorities and roadmap, identify and debug delivery issues, and measure your organizational performance.


Lena Reinhard
Lena Reinhard
Engineering Leadership & Executive Coach

It’s time to pay off your management debt

In this session, we'll delve into management debt – the collection of inefficiencies, unresolved issues, and missed opportunities in how we manage teams. Just like its technical counterpart, management debt accumulates, quietly impacting the organization over time.


Daniel Korn
Daniel Korn
Senior Director of Engineering Lemonade

Developing commercial awareness to drive business outcomes

This talk is designed to help you become an effective business leader as well as an effective technical leader. It will provide you with the tools to develop strong commercial awareness, frameworks for effective cross-functional working with your management counterparts, and communication skills for influencing non-technical leaders.


Sérgio Laranjeira
Sérgio Laranjeira
CTO Metacore


Crafting an effective technical strategy and getting buy-in

This talk will give practical examples on how to craft or evolve an effective technical strategy. And, once you’ve crafted it, give guidance on how to communicate it to stakeholders, ensure buy-in and advice on how to adapt it over time.

Break and Lunch Activities

Network, learn and explore during every break

Career next steps Q&A

Dedicated sessions on how to take the next step in your career for:

  • Becoming a VP of Engineering

Chat to every speaker

Office hours is your opportunity to connect face-to-face, ask questions and find out more.

Speed coaching

Watch or participate in free 1:1 coaching.

Networking Mixer

Spend some time with other attendees at the end of the program.

Table talks

Join facilitated group conversations with other leaders on topics like:

  • how to grow leaders and managers
  • how to effectively improve engineering velocity in your organization

Culture, Clarity, Velocity

Major changes to how our organizations work, from reorgs to strategy shifts to new teams, often expose growth areas in our organizational culture. Yet soon after such a change, we frequently see teams make a mad dash towards velocity improvements, skipping over the fundamental work of investing in the culture necessary to support the change. This can create a nearly invisible impediment to the velocity we're striving to attain. However, there are also situations where culture can ensure clarity and drive sustainable velocity, where your organization's culture becomes a force multiplier for your change work. How can leaders examine proposed changes and prepare their teams to move from a culture that impedes progress to one that enables strategic change?


Erica Stanley
Erica Stanley
Director of Engineering Google

Transitioning from engineering leader to business executive

This talk addresses the gap in information around moving from operational roles like Director or VP to executive roles such as CTO or CIO. It will explore which managerial skills support executive success, potential pitfalls, and how to balance operational versus strategic concerns. Additionally, it will provide a roadmap for navigating this transition, including advice on prioritizing time with your team, peers, bosses, and supervisory board.


Bernie Miles
Bernie Miles

Growing the next generation of leaders: Levelling up your teams

The step from manager to director oftentimes feels like a leap. The scope of skills that you need to become a senior leader is way broader than just engineering. From how to understand business & commercial topics, to build relationships with cross-functional peers, to influence less technical colleagues — whilst retaining responsibility for technical teams and topics. Join this talk as Dana discusses how you can identify the skill gaps in your teams and support your managers as they transition to leadership.


Dana Aonofriesei
Dana Aonofriesei
VP of Engineering Trustpilot


Managing infrastructure costs and investments

This talk will give guidance and real-world examples of how good leaders balance priorities and investments in technical projects and how to make effective budgetary tradeoffs.


Italo  Vietro
Italo Vietro
VP of Platform Babbel

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