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November 5, 2024
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New York 2023 videos
The (updated) story of why we migrate to gRPC and how we go about it
Moving quickly inside a large organization
Enabling the motivated: Facilitating role switches smoothly
Terraform practices to enable infrastructure scaling
Building healthier mission-focused organizations
Everything is a migration: Putting evolutionary architecture into practice
Security from scratch
Leading as an engineering manager
Setting up your team for success during your extended absence
Let them learn! How to nurture great software engineers
How to kill your team’s product
Making the manager of manager’s mindset
Using a learning-themed retrospective to strengthen your team’s learning culture and reduce learning debt
Doing the right thing, better: How to lead with efficiency in mind
Are we building engineering platforms using the right metrics?
Leading from Incidents: How past incidents can be used to guide company decisions
Scaling yourself: Increasing your scope and impact as an engineering manager (without just working harder)
What to do after being laid off: Lessons on being my own CEO for a change
Behind the curtain: Two sides of senior leadership
Technical Vision vs. Technical Strategy: The difference and why it matters
What is tech policy and how you can get involved
Combating the confidence gap: Case studies in tech recruiting
Lower your stress and your team’s stress by being ready for turnover
How successful hackathons increase belonging, decrease anxiety and help people imagine new identities in tech
Influential storytelling
Good technical debt
Concise and effective feedback: Applying the learnings of DORA4 to communication